Basis of every good support is identifying underlying problems. A competent diagnostic is as important as subsequent individual aid.

You are unique. So is our evidence-based approach to diagnostic: We compile for you a range of contemporary tests specially geared to your issue.

Hence, we can repeat certain tests at any time to directly measure efforts in different areas.


Our treatment approach is based on the current state of research in three fields: psychotherapy, neurosciences, and nutritional medicine.

We work at the interface between “brain, heart, and body”. In doing so, we interlink the different fields of research and support you in an “unique” way.


In 2009, we hosted our first symposium titled “Neurofeedback: Introduction, Research, Perspectives”.

Beside a general introduction and historic backgrounds, the event focused on treatment of ADHS, epilepsy and tinnitus by use of neurofeedback.

Other core themes were training stroke patients, and sleep as a field of research.


Anxieties, depressions, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, addiction problems, psychosomatic disorders, functional disorder, personality disorder, (partner) relationship problems, family and school issues, AD(H)S, attention and memory disorders, dyslexia and dyscalculia, brain injuries

Any questions?

We try to make it possible for you to make an appointment as soon as possible for an initial meeting.


Parents whose son has been diagnosed with ADHS consult us.

A psychotherapeutic discussion addresses the child’s feelings of insufficiency.

An expert analysis of the individual learning difficulties allows for targeted support of the boy in his learning progress – until he grows out of his difficulties and masters self-reliant learning.

Having completed neuropsychological tests and a QEEG analysis, a protocol and an individual neurofeedback training is offered.

Following the principle “Mens sana in corpore sano”, we additionally offer treatment approaches applying nutritional medicine.

Further therapists of our team are available for the child’s parents, if they need support themselves.

Upon request by, and in consultation with the parents, we also cooperate with the child’s school and teachers. Additionally, we offer collective discussions with all parties concerned.

A beautiful mind – Therapy as a second chance in life”